Thursday, November 4, 2010

Stupid People

My newest challenge is this: Stupid people. I am so happy I came to the college I did, and living here is great. The classes are interesting, my dorm room is fantastic, and the people in my building are (for the most part) really nice, and smart. However. I feel as though the majority of the students I am taking classes with are stupid sheep. I have a Psychology professor who is a dingus - she's not necessarily a bad TEACHER, she prepares powerpoints for class and tells interesting stories, although she is kind of a flake sometimes - she's just not very smart. She's always giving us examples for things that really just flat out don't make sense, or are incorrect. And she's narcissistic too. When we were learning about logical fallacies, she kept giving explaining why they didn't apply to her and she would never make a mistake like that, and when she was giving us puzzles to show the fallacies in action, she kept mentioning how she got the answer quickly, and she got it "on the first try". It's so frustrating!!

The way I'm dealing with this is using it as fuel - whenever someone in my classes says something stupid, that just makes me want to work that much harder to get good grades, so I can transfer to a different school in two years. I don't know where I want to transfer yet. I think I'd transfer after one year if I could, but I don't think I'll have enough evidence that I've changed since high school to really get into a good college, and focusing on college applications during the school year would honestly just be too difficult for me anyway. I am working hard enough on trying to have a job and do 16 units a quarter from now on and volunteer and participate in extracurricular activities. I can't do college apps too. But anyway! I'm also trying to use the stupid people as training in being understanding, less critical, and diplomacy. I should probably stop calling them stupid people for this to work, though. :P

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