Monday, November 22, 2010

Nearing the End of the First Quarter

So, things are wrapping up in my classes now. That makes everything sound so peaceful and calm, everything's coming to a close. It's kind of the opposite though. I have group projects in pretty much every single one of my classes, and my group members are all, without fail, slackers. I'm doing shit tons of work for all the projects.

The project for my Communications class is already done, although that's far from a good thing in this case. Our project was a group debate, and it went very poorly. Our topic was Harry Potter, specifically "Harry Potter could have won the Triwizard Tournament without Mad Eye Moody's help". Now, if you've read the Harry Potter books, you'll remember that throughout the entire fourth book Mad Eye Moody was lock in a magic chest. The FAKE Mad Eye Moody, a.k.a. Barty Crouch Jr. taking a Polyjuice Potion to LOOK like Mad Eye Moody, is the only one that helps Harry Potter throughout the whole book. Therefore, the real Mad Eye Moody didn't help Harry Potter at all. Obviously, me and my partner brought this up. However, that pretty much killed the whole debate. I mean, what else is there to say? Mad Eye Moody DIDN'T help Harry Potter at all. We didn't get to exhibit any of the things the professor told us to. Also, the debate is worth 30% of our grade. So I was pretty pissed off. I emailed the professor about it four days ago, but he still hasn't responded, so we'll see. I've worked really really hard in that class, and I think the professor is a pretty cool guy, so this pretty much sucks for me.

Letting go. (haha)
I am doing well at my new job at the on campus Starbucks! It's fun, the people there are really cool, and I'm starting to get to know how to make drinks and all that jazz. I'm excited for when I can do all of them.
Also, I saw Scott Pilgrim the other day, and I love that movie more than life itself. I really really want to dye my hair some awesome crazy color now. I hope work lets me. I feel like Starbucks is usually pretty cool about stuff like that.

Okay, well I'm going to go write an essay for my IGE class now. More later!

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