Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My First Midterm

I just took my very first midterm EVER! Wow, college is so different from high school it’s funny. I actually studied really hard for this midterm; I thought I was over preparing. I went into the class thinking it was going to be an absolute breeze, but it turns out I studied just enough. It was way harder than I thought it was going to be, but I was still prepared, so that was nice. Teachers in high school always tell you that they’re going to extrapolate on the information learned, and that the tests will be about critical thinking and understanding, but they never actually ARE, it’s always just rote memorization still. Tests in college ACTUALLY DO have extrapolation, and test your understanding, and yaddah yaddah yaddah. I have another midterm today, Communications, which I’m about to go study some more for, but then I’m done! I know it seems weird that I only have two midterms, but I am only taking three classes, and the “midterm” for my other class (IGE) was an art project. I also have a club meeting I have to go to today, though, for the Art Student Society. One of the things I’m kind of worrying about right now is the classes I’m going to sign up for to take next quarter. Registration starts November 3rd, and I don’t know what to do for my General Education. I have been taking Interdisciplinary General Education, a special program of general ed offered by my school, but now I’m thinking that if I’m considering transferring after two years, it might be smarter to take regular general ed classes instead. I’m trying to find out who my academic advisor is so I can talk to him/her about it, but things like that are always really hard here. Although I might sound like a broken record about this, college bureaucracy is a real bitch.

Socially everything is going great, I’ve kind of relaxed about things. I’m not really in to staying up until 5 in the morning when I have class at 8, but a lot of my friends would stay up super late, doing last minute homework and going on food runs. I was feeling really left out sometimes, and it was super frustrating, but now everyone’s sort of starting to calm down about things, and I’m coming to terms with the fact that I can’t always hang out with everyone. Besides, crazy drunken partying on the weekends is plenty for me ;)

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