Thursday, September 30, 2010

Busy busy busy

Wow, it’s only been two days since my last post but SO many things have happened, it’s almost ridiculous! I’ve been making tons of friends. My entire floor (I’m on the second floor of my building) is really friendly, and we do a bunch of group activities, so I’m really starting to get to know people. Me and Emily have been stealing so much food. I know that’s a classic college student thing, but I really think we’re taking it to a new level. Natalie brought Ziploc bags, and we took tons of things for oat meal, things that we looked normal taking, like bananas and raisins, and things that we did NOT look normal taking, like brown sugar, and cinnamon. Trust me, people give you weird looks when you walk off with a plate heaped with brown sugar. But our fridge is full! So that’s awesome. We have muffins and brownies and pizza and candy and lots of fruit. One of my favorite things is stealing doughnuts, because we can microwave them and they get really warm and the frosting gets all melty and crystallizes a little and it’s soooo good. So there’s a tip to all you other college students out there! Steal doughnuts. Also, I went to the gym yesterday, which was fantastic. There’s a free gym on campus but the big on is SO much better, and it’s only 15 dollars a month, so I decided it was worth it and bought a membership. Especially because we can’t start using the free gym until Thursday, and I really wanted to start working out a couple days ago. Anyway, it’s a great gym, and it’s relatively un-crowded so far, so I went for like an hour before dinner. Exercising is really essential for me, because it helps keep my moods stable. I’m taking birth control, and that makes me kind of moody or depressed sometimes, so exercising helps keep my positive and in control of how I feel. The gym is a REALLY long walk from my dorm, but that seems like a kind of silly thing to complain about since the whole point of a gym is to get exercise, hahaha. I’m still on the waitlist for the English class I want. I’m in position ONE, but still, I’ve been in position one since I signed up. I wanted to buy all my textbooks, to be prepared and everything, but my mom said it was a better idea to wait until after the first day. It’s just hard to relax about it, because a couple of the seminar instructors have mentioned that since this is the quarter system we have to be really on the ball right away, because it moves really fast, so we should be totally ready, textbooks and notebooks in hand, on the first day. But I’m not going to stress out about that because I have plenty of other things to worry about without adding more. One of which, unfortunately, is my boyfriend. The other night my whole floor went on a midnight walk, just to get to know each other and stuff. We decided to play Mafia, so we all sat down in a circle. I mentioned before how I noticed that Cole was paying lots of attention to Natalie, and it had been bugging me all day. He walked the whole way with her, so I just walked and talked with other people. When we sat down in a big circle, he and Natalie sat down on the opposite side of me and the people I was talking to. So that kind of pissed me off already. But then, the whole time we were playing, he was whispering with her, and she was giggling and he was laughing, and then he put his hand on her knee (that is so cliché flirting, right?) and I was just trying not to cry or anything right there, and it was really annoying timing because I wanted to be focusing on getting to know people and making friends! So I was pretty pissed off. So I told Emily I was ready to leave, and she said she was too, and she got Cole, and he, of course, got Natalie, and he walked with her all the way back and held the door open for her and stuff. So I was pretty much ignoring him by the time we got back to our room, and he could tell something was wrong. He texted me when he got back to his room, but he thought I was just grumpy because of the pill. I explained, albeit tersely, what was wrong, and he felt really bad. So we talked about it, and he said he’s just bad at having friends that are girls. He said he always ends up flirting. So I don’t know how I feel about that right now. I mean, if that’s how he acts when I AM there how is he acting when I’m not? And he basically said he can’t control it, so that’s kind of weird. Anyway, I’m giving him another chance and we’ll see how it goes. I just got back from my first class, Psychology 202, which was really cool! It starts at 8, which is kind of early (I have 8 o clock classes EVERY DAY with my current schedule! D: ), so I woke up at 6:30-ish and gave up on going back to sleep. I snuck around getting ready, trying not to wake up Emily (which apparently worked beautifully, she didn’t even hear me leave), and left by about 7:15 with a tootsie roll and a banana for breakfast. I got there way too early, and was pretty bored until the teacher arrived, about 2 minutes before class started. Most of today’s class was just her going through the attendance list and us sharing things about ourselves. We ended half an hour early, and now I’m back on my bed! Emily just left for her first class, so I’m aaaall alone :0 PRIVACY! Haven’t had that in a while. I don’t even know what to do with myself. I think I’m going to go eat, and maybe cat nap and go to the gym, before my next class at 3. Lots of fun! College is awesome!

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