Thursday, September 23, 2010

First Dorm Night!

It’s 8:30 in the morning, and I just spent my first night in a college dorm. There is a giant, loud, beeping, roaring garbage machine right outside my window, reinforcing the importance of my buildings strictly enforced 10-10 quiet time. The tiny crack at the very edge of the blinds is managing to pour a ferocious amount of early morning light directly onto my bed. So I am awake, forcefully awake, but very happy!

My first day was definitely a huge success. Moving in was wonderful. I woke up yesterday feeling incredibly excited, but kind of nervous. My mom and stepdad drove me to Cal Poly and we followed the big “FRESHMAN CHECK-IN” signs to my new dorm. It was kind of hard to find parking, but after we finally found a parking space miles away from my dorm, me and my mom went to check in. Check-in was smooth and easy, a very different experience, I’m guessing, from a lot of college students.

, I got my key (okay, so at first they gave me the wrong key, but after that it was perfect!), and I went up the second floor and got a look at the little room I would be living in for the next year. IT’S BEAUTIFUL. I am no longer even the slightest bit jealous of Chapman. Our rooms are not too small, with beautiful brick walls and old (possibly decaying?) wooden closets. We have our own little bookshelf above our beds, our own little (very little) dresser/bed stand, our own little (kind of big) desks, and our own little wooden closets with long term storage cabinets above them.

Unpacking my stuff was so much fun!!! My room looks gorgeous personalized, it really does.

My roommate Emily, one of my best friends from high school, got there later in the day, as did my boyfriend Cole. While they were unpacking my mom and stepdad took me out to a delicious goodbye lunch (as much goodbye as you can have while living half an hour away) at Applebees, where my sweet and loving mother put on sunglasses inside to hide her “goodbye tears” from the waitresses.

Anyway, twelve hours later I’m pretty sure I’m already the coolest kid on campus (joking!). I had a great time hanging out with Cole and Emily during our first activities, but then I made friends with Natalie and Zachary, two awesome kids, and they fit in perfectly with Cole and Emily as well. Cole’s roommate also turned out to be pretty fantastic, so the six of us stayed up until 1 AM in me and Emily’s room, talking, and eating our food, and playing Uno. I now officially have all the classes I NEED, although it would be nice to get into the IGE class that I want.

So life is going pretty fantastically! The only thing that is even the tiniest bit off it that Natalie is REALLY pretty, and really sweet and I think she’s fantastic, but Cole just pays so much attention to her, and I’m all paranoid that now that we’re at college he’ll find some hot junior girl or something, so it kind bugs me. But other than that everything is perfect! And that’s probably just me being silly.

I know it might be weird that the day I actually move INTO college is the day I write the shortest blog post, but there are so many super exciting things happening now that all the less-exciting little details seem small and trivial. Also, I really want to go take a shower before the shower rush starts. I’ll post more later, promise! Out!

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