Sunday, August 29, 2010

Molly Texts from Orientation "Hell"

My husband dropped Molly off at 8:00 for her two-day Orientation at Cal Poly Pomona.  I didn't think too much about it; my semester has already begun and I'm running from classroom to meeting to lab and back again.  I got a text from her at 8:03 that said she had arrived and had a friend already, named David.  Three hours later I got a text saying simply "It's so hot!!!!"  I controlled my impulse to reply "It wouldn't be hot if you'd gone to San Francisco State!"  Sometimes being a good mom is in the little things.

I didn't hear anything else until after 9:30 at night. "R u awake?"  Molly knows I am usually in bed by 9:30.  I called her and she answered, which was miraculous in itself.  Molly seldom answers since the cell phone is basically a texting device for her (her brother is the same, although he seldom does either).

She asked if I could log in to her student account right at 8:30 (a.m.) and sign up for her classes, since they were releasing advising holds at that time.  She wouldn't be able to sign on then because advising meetings were scheduled at that time.  She'd already put her preferred classes in the online "shopping cart"; all I had to do was hit "yes" a couple of times and she would be good to go.  Then she had to tell me her password and she said "Don't laugh at me, okay?"  She told me the password was "Cole4EVER" - Cole is her boyfriend.  I laughed.

As she said goodnight, Molly told me everyone else was at a karaoke party, but she'd left to set up her classes.  As I drifted off to sleep, I realized that this was the first time in months that I had been impressed with her initiative.

The next morning I tried to sign her up for classes, but they didn't release her advising hold until almost noon.  I had been concerned that she wouldn't choose good courses - when I advise students, they typically are not thinking tactically about how to meet their requirements, both within their major and for general education.  But I liked the courses she had chosen, and she had even identified back-ups that weren't her top choice but had more seats available.

Here is our text stream on her second day of Orientation:

7:35 am
Molly:  Duuuuude, this sucks.
Liz:  ??
Molly:  Too early.  Also, there are no awesome people here.  My friends are all boring or hard-core drinking party-ers.
Liz:  LOL

8:40 am
Molly:  Everybody here SUUUUUUUCKS.
Liz:  Chill silly girl.  U r just tired.  This will make a great blog post.  Xoxo
Molly:  Haha, true that.  Bur srsly, I would not want to hang out with ANY of these people on a regular basis.
(Discussion of unsuccessful attempts to register for classes.)
Molly:  :-) I'm so glad I'm texting you, it's the only thing keeping me from dying of boredom.
Liz:  Hahaha, ur tired too, remember.
Molly:  Yeah, also this is how it always works with a new school.  You start out hanging with whoever you happen to meet first, and eventually you magnet (sic) towards the people you'll actually like.
Liz:  Yupyupyup, my dorm group at Claremont were total losers.
Molly:  We're meeting with advisors now.
Liz:  Yeah, I think you have an advising hold.  Can't register you.  Sorry.  I'll keep trying.
Molly:  Thanks anyway mama.

9:30 am
Liz:  Been seen yet?
Molly:  No.  -.-  I'm gonna b the last of the last.
Liz:  Sorry boopie.

2:00 pm
Molly:  Bum buduh bum buduh bum BUM BUM, buduh bum buduh bum buduh bum bum bum, buduh bum buduh bum buduh bum bum BUUUM! bum, buduh bum bum bum.
Liz:  LOL
Molly: PS I need to refill my birth control prescription.
Molly:  Ever since orientation started/I've been slowly coming to see/All these people are retarded/None of them seem cool to me. (sent twice)

Molly:  Almostdonealmostdonealmostdone
Liz:  We r on our way!
Molly:  You might be early??
Liz:  Maybe, but traffic is fierce.
Molly:  I will go fill out my job application forms while I'm waiting.

Liz: Molllllllyyyyyyyy
Molly: I c u!!!

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